Nog voordat hulpgoederen voor opvang van Oekraïnse vluchtelingen onderweg gaan naar jumelagestad Buk ontvangen Gemeente Sint-Michielsgestel en de Stichting Sint-Michielsgestel-Buk meer dan hartelijke dank vanuit Polen. De uitgebreide Engelstalige brief is hieronder afgebeeld.
Dear Residents,
The tragedy of Ukrainian citizens fleeing the horrors of war has awakened the true solidarity in us. Information about the activities we take every day and the unprecedented initiative and engagement of residents of Buk has also reached our friends from the Dutch partner commune of Sint-Michielsgestel. I would like to inform you that the mayor of Sint-Michielsgestel, Han Looijen, has decided to donate EUR 4,400 to help the Ukrainians who arrived to our commune. This amount goes back to 44 years of our relationship, which had began long before the official agreement was signed. It is an extraordinary gesture of solidarity, which we really appreciate.
I am really grateful both to Mr Mayor of Sint-Michielsgestel and all the members of Sint-Michielsgestel – Buk Foundation, who show such a great sensitivity and engagement in our cooperation.
I deeply believe that Europe will remain as a community of democratic nations as long as we are able to cherish the mutual relations at the level of local communities. Since the very beginning of our partnership we have experienced a great support and charity from our Dutch friends. Thanks to this partnership we are able to take more responsible and mature actions to help our Ukrainian friends whose heroism and courage will restore Ukraine as free and independent country for ever.
Buk is deeply grateful to Sint-Michielsgestel!
With kind regards,
Paweł Adam